College Life


College Life


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For 2024-2025 applications are now open
We don’t just give students an education and experiences that set them up for success in a career. We help them succeed in their career—to discover a field they’re passionate about and dare to lead it.
Success is the ultimate goal of one’s life and education plays a vital role in this regard. Better education always provides a person with better opportunities to make a worthy career. A need of excellent qualification is felt when you enter this world of competition.
So we aim to provide an opportunity to all students in the vicinity and bring about a meaningful transformation in the lives of youth by giving them qualitative education. Thus, HARDA DEGREE COLLEGE is committed to provide numerous career oriented graduation and post graduation courses to choose from Science, Commerce and Computers, Arts, Social Work and Education for last 20 years. Currently the college is one of the best colleges in the city.

Harda Degree College is an institute with permanent affiliation from Barkatullah University (Bhopal)

Education Services
Harda Degree College was established by Janakibai Memorial Education Society

Getting involved in an extracurricular club could be one of the highlights of your time on campus. Our clubs could plug you into a national network of like-minded groups, individuals, and possibly even future employers.

Admission Enquiry
Phone No: 07577-225562 Mobile No: 09039904448, 08120837787 Email: hardadegreecollege@gmail.com
Harda Degree College University Merit List
1.Mani Chawla B.Com.(73.6%) University 2nd Rank in (2006-07)
2.K.Uttara Galgalekar B.Com.(75.4%) University 3rd Rank in (2007-08)
3.K.Shweta Paliwal B.Com.(74.5%) University 4th Rank in (2007-08)
4.K.Pooja Ghavri B.Sc.(81.8%) University 1st Rank in (2008-09)
5.K.Shilpa Lokwani B.Com.(77%) 3rd Rank in (2008-09)
6.K.Ekta Agarwal B.Com.(80.4%) University 1st Rank in (2009-10)
7.K.Ankita Agarwal B.Com.(74.9%) University 10th Rank in (2009-10)
8.K.Varsha Kulkarni M.Sc.comp.Sc.(89.2%) University 1st Rank in (2010-11)
9.K.Divya Bansal M.Sc.Comp.Sc.(86%) University 4th Rank in (2010-11)
10.K.Amrin Fatima BCA (82.6%) University 9th in (2010-11)(11) K. Pooja Lokwani B.Com.(81%) University 5th Rank in (2011-12)
12.K.Pooja Jha B.Com.(80.36%) University Ninth Rank in (2011-12)
13.K.Prachi Agarwal M.Sc.Biotechnology(88.69%) University 2nd Rank in (2011-12
14.K.Sushma Kushwaha M.Sc.Biotechnology(88.38%) University 4th Rank in (2011-12
15.K.Nikhat B. M.Sc.Microbiology(81.23%) University 3rd Rank in (2011-12)
16.K.Twinkle Purushwani B.Com. (79.29%) 2nd Rank in (2014-15)
17.K.Ashita Saraf B.Sc. Computer Sci. (79.76%) University 4th Rank in(2014-15)
18.Ku.Abha Kashyap M.Com. (79.47%) 1st Rank in (2016-17)
19.K.Twinkle Purushwani M.Com. (79.24%) 2nd Rank in (2016-17)
20.K.Mehak Bafna B.Com. (77.89%) 2nd Rank in (2016-17)
21.K.Rashmi Muralia B.Com. (77.82%) 1st Rank in (2017-18)
22.K.Uma Thackeray B.A. (77.79%) 4th Rank in (2017-18)
23.Prateek Agarwal M.Sc. (Computer Sci.) (75.38%) University 5th Rank in (2017-18)
24.K.Radhika Sharma B.C.A. (77.05%) University 1st Rank in (2018-19)
25.K.Shalini Panwar M.Sc. (Microbiology) (84.15%) University 2nd Rank in (2018-19)
26.K.Ayushi Paliwal M.Sc. (Microbiology) (83.65%) University 3rd Rank in (2018-19)
27.K.Muskan Jain M.Sc. (Microbiology) (83.5%) University 4th Rank in (2018-19)
28.K.Priya Jain M.Sc. (Computer Sci.) (78.05%) University 5th Rank in (2017-18)
29.Mani Chawla B.Ed. (87.66%) 2nd Rank in (2018-19)
30.Afroz Shah M. Com (83.35%)1st University Rank in (2021-22)
31.Swati Dhangar M. Com (82.53)5th University Rank in (2021-22)
32.Sana Khan M.Sc. biotech (89.95%)1st University Rank in (2021-22)
33.Monika Chauhan M.Sc. biotech(87.20%) 3rd University Rank in (2021-22)
34.Veena Jain M.S.W. (85.82%) 1st University Rank in (2021-22)
35.Sarita M.S.W(83.18%) 2nd University Rank in (2021-22)
36.Pawan Gurjar M.S.W. (82.73%)3rd University Rank in (2021-22)
37.Aastha Choubey M.S.W. (81.81%) 4th University Rank in (2021-22)
38.Meenu Jaiswal M.Sc. Botany (85.72%) 2nd University Rank in (2021-22)
39.Neelam Jaiswal M.Sc. Botany (84.96%) 5th University Rank in (2021-22)
40.Shifa Khan B.B.A(89.08%) 6th University Rank in (2021-22)
41.Shivani Baghel B.B.A(88.33%) 8th University Rank in (2021-22)
42.Akshat Sharma B.Sc. (90.30%) 2nd University Rank in (2021-22)
43.Shivani dhoke B.Sc. (89.27%) 7th University Rank in (2021-22)
44.Garima Chaurasia B.Sc. (88.85%) 9th University Rank in (2021-22)
45.Narmata Rochlani M. Com. (89.83%) 3rd University Rank in (2022-23)
46.Rupal Punase P.G.D.F.D.M. (85.50%) 4th University Rank in (2021-22)
47.Seema B.C.A. (90.12%) 3rd University Rank in (2021-22)
48.Shubham Pandya B.C.A. (89.94%) 4th University Rank in (2021-22)
49.Tripti Patel B.C.A. (89.58%) 5th University Rank in (2021-22)
50.Aastha Agrawal B.C.A. (89.03%) 6th University Rank in (2021-22)
51.Krishna Agarwal B.C.A. (88.85%) 8th University Rank in (2021-22)
52.Vikas Solanki B.C.A. (88.12%) 10th University Rank in (2021-22)
53.Kajal Talreja PGDCA. (82.57%) 6th University Rank in (2021-22)
54.Swati Raghuvanshi PGDCA. (81.43%) 7th University Rank in (2021-
55.Megha P.G.D.F.D.M. (85.20%) 5th University Rank in (2021-22)
56. Ishika Agrwal PGDCA 84.00% Second in University
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I feel Proud to say that ‘I am from HDC FAMILY’. This college helped me in growing my personal as well as professional career. I am very thankful to My Director Sir, Director Madam & all my Faculty Members ( Academic Team) and all Other departments for supporting me in my academics and other things and for their guidance, love and blessings. At last this HDC has some Magic. B.Com 2007 B.Ed 2019 Secured IInd Rank in University Merit B.Com (2006-07) B.Ed (2018-19).

“Harda Degree College”, these three words still strike me in a joyful manner. I am fortunate that l joined this college for my Bachelor’s in Computer Application. It provides an excellent education through its well qualified and experienced teachers. The regular practical classes helped me to develop my technical skills and extra-curricular activities has enhanced my soft skills. Here, I not only got the education, but also got a new life to live & right path for my career. BCA 2013 Income Tax Department Posted at Mumbai

मुझे हरदा डिग्री कॉलेज ने बहुत सहयोग दिया है। वहाँ के टीचर्स में मुझे हमेशा अपने दोस्त नजर आये, जिन्होंने हमेशा मुझे मेरे कैरियर को लेकर मार्गदर्शित किया। जिस वजह से आज मैं अपने सपने पूरे कर सका हूँ। मैंने कॉलेज में संचालित NCC इकाई के सपोर्ट से ही इंडियन आर्मी में जॉब हासिल की है। B.Com. 2012 Posted at Andaman Nicobar

Harda Degree College gives you exposure and immense opportunities in whatever areas, field you are passionate about. The bond that is built in the college does not stop at helping in courses, but it surely helps you better as a person and will help you to grow as a professional. I personally can say that my career as well as my life has grown from the learning provided by the faculty of this college. I would say that joining this college was one of my best decisions. B.Com. 2011